Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Indianapolis Indiana Temple
Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Monday, September 26, 2016

Letter from a Missionary Mom

[Note from Mom: Got an email from my dear friend Marsha Dunn whose son is a professor and graduate student at Purdue University. So thankful for the connections made as a result of our children's decisions to serve missions.]
Hi Pania,

I talked to Sam today and he told me all about his visit with Elder Heimuli! He said he could tell what a great and committed missionary he is, but he felt bad that he didn't think to take a picture of them together and send it so I could forward it to you. Sam said he stopped into the Institute building for a few minutes and he saw the missionaries in the distance. He remembered that he was to be on the lookout for Elder Heimuli, so he approached them and started talking. He introduced himself and asked if he had a brother who served a mission in Ecuador. Houston looked so amazed, and said, "Yes. How did you know?" 

Sam said, "Your Mom and mine are really good friends," and Houston looked even more amazed. But then Sam talked about the missionary mom thing and then Houston must have remembered that you had told him to also be on the lookout for Sam. They had a nice conversation that turned into football talk because Sam was actually there to meet a guy that he had a bet with about the outcome of the BYU/Utah game (Sam was the loser, incidentally.) This friend of Sam's and Houston really got into detailed football talk. Sam said he could offer a comment now and then so he didn't appear completely out of touch. Houston asked Sam if he had been a football player also, and Sam laughed and said, "No, look at me--how could I be a football player?" And Houston said that maybe he could have been a wide receiver! 

Anyway, they had a good time visiting with one another. I told Sam to be sure to take a picture if he ever runs into him again. So, they finally met and I'm glad to report that all is well with Elder Heimuli and that he is out doing the Lord's work with great enthusiasm. I'm sure he is a good influence and trainer to the missionaries there at Purdue, because Sam said they could be doing better. He said they got a little lazy during the summer when there aren't as many students there, and it has kind of continued into the Fall when the missionary work usually picks up. He said there are usually lots of investigators working with the missionaries, but not so much right now. So it's good that Elder Heimuli comes once in a while to get them motivated and trained, and set such a good example of a wonderful missionary.

Hope all is well with you and the rest of your family.
Lots of love,

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