Oh my goodness, you all sound soooooo sick. I'm sorry :( that does not sound fun at all, especially for poor grandma. That is scary. It's weird to think what the future holds sometimes for those we love and have known for awhile. My deepest wish is that they are both there waiting for me when I come home but I also trust the Lord has it all figured out, and I am just a part of that plan :) I know all the grandchildren are praying and watching out for them. It was cool too to watch that video you sent me. You're right, grandpa just seemed so happy in the video, his eyes shining as he sang along. And I liked how Hema and Tai were right there as well, two of the oldest of all the grandchildren sitting right by grandpa. I dunno why, but it just was a cool thing to see :)
Jeez mom, it almost seems like you're teaching more than me ;) haha.... but really. And Harry is having his priesthood preview?! YAY!!!!!!!! Haha man he will be a deacon soon that's so awesome!!
Yup this is Elder Redmond's last transfer, so we will see what happens next. I'm pretty ready to go back into the field haha but I'll probably train a new AP and maybe then I'll be able to go back for my last transfer. We don't know yet, we APs usually do transfers about 4 weeks into the transfer.
Well here is the low down of the week :)
Mon- So president is doing interviews for the next few weeks. We don't have to go with him but we set up all the times and where they are doing them. Because of interviews we don't have as many meetings, so Elder Redmond and I decided to go and get some time in at campus :) It was good. Unfortunately, we are trying to get back into the groove because a full month of not teaching period will rub off on ya! We talked to a lot of people and found some potentials but we will have to see where that takes us. After that a guy who took Elder Redmond on a mini mission wanted to take us out for dinner so we went to the Colts Bar and Grill and guess what? The championship football game was on...... I think I was the only one struggling to keep myself from watching the game the whole time. But I did, so score 1 point for Elder Heimuli :) After dinner we just drove over to visit some LA's and went home.
Tue- Office day. All the sudden our office just got swamped, and we got a bunch of random assignments. So we spent most the day in the office (bleh) and then we went to take our truck in to see what was going on with the door. For some reason it just wasn't closing right and we were afraid if we kept driving one of us would fall out when the door would swing open haha! But that took awhile so when we finally finished getting all those things together it was around 6, and about 5pm campus is dead. Not to mention we live about 30min away from our area so going there at this time was pointless. We decided to try and contact all of our formers and potentials instead and we had no luck :( well no luck on Tuesday... Buuuuuuuut........
Wed- Miracle day!!! We finished all of the paperwork we needed to do for the day and then we zoomed right over to campus. Redmond and I were pretty confident and excited that we would see miracles this day. Also, we were happy not to be stuck in the office all day!!!!
So off we went, and here comes a cool miracle. Lately all of our formers have fallen off the face of the earth. We literally can't get in contact with ANY of them. We were walking down the street when Elder Redmond looks over and sees Grace just walking on the opposite side of the street. He whispers, "Hey, is that Grace?" I look over and it was, so naturally I just yell out her name so everyone is staring at me, and then we sprint over to catch up to her (very smooth and nonchalant, you know me). We walk her to class and she explains how things have been crazy and she hasn't been able to find time for anything anymore. We explained to her that we can't distance ourselves from God when things get tough. In fact it should be the other way around. Get closer to God when things are hard and He will give you strength. Lean on Him, rely on the gospel of His Son Jesus Christ and the atonement. Rely on the sprirt to guide you, rely rely rely.
After getting back in contact with her we were walking around in the campus center (because it's been freezing cold lately) and we ran into another former!!! Michael. He is a sweet guy. When we saw him he ran right up to us and said, "Hey, I changed my number, so if you tried to call me that's why I couldn't answer!" We were relieved to find out that was kind of the reason, then we set up an appointment to see him Thursday. Again we were really grateful that we were able to run into him and see so many of our formers. Then later that day we get a text from Elie, he said he's sorry and wants to meet up again. When that happened we texted another former and she wanted to meet up with us the next week too. We were just reeling from all of these formers coming back and willing to be taught. It was miracle after miracle. So we PC'd the whole day and found some new potentials. Hopefully some of them turn into progressing investigators but we will see.
Thur- We again finished all the office work and then headed over to have lunch with a LA in the YSA. It was good. She took us to Qdoba so that was double good haha! After lunch we were supposed to have a lesson with an investigator but she bailed on us so we just PC'd until we had our lesson with Michael. We taught him the restoration and it was good, again shaking off the dust from not teaching for awhile, but it went well. We set up another appointment for that Saturday. After his lesson we PC'd until we ran into a member from the YSA. Branden Christensen he is a really awesome member and we took him around with us to PC! Again no new new investigators but we have some potentials. After PCing on campus we went around trying to contact another former who dropped off the face of the earth. We literally scoured where they worked, lived, and liked to hangout etc. Sounds a little stalker-ish but, hey, we do whatever it takes!
Friday- We spent most of the day running errands and grabbing things for the office. But when we finally finished most of those errands we went to see a man named Trevor who Redmond and Wimmer used to teach. He's been investigating the church for 6 years and finally decided to get baptized. So we were just going over to give him moral support and answer any questions he might have. Following that lesson we ran more errands and eventually came home.
Sat- Exciting day! So at noon we had an appointment with Michael and brought one of the recent converts with us to help teach him. It went really well and he seemed to understand everything that was being taught. We covered the Book of Mormon and how it applies to us today :) The recent convert then bore a solid testimony which just filled the room with the spirit. We invited him to church but he said he couldn't come this weekend. However we are still working with him to get him to church. Right after the lesson we had to zip right over to the baptism of Trevor!
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Elder Redmond is 2nd from left, President Carlson is 3rd, Elder Brad Quick is 4th, with Elder Heimuli in front. |
Sun- So one of the potentials we talked to earlier this week came to church :) It was sooooooooo sick!!! Me and Redmond were not expecting anybody when all the sudden she showed up! Haha so now we are setting up a time to meet with her later this week. Also Elie texted and is going to come to FHE with us tomorrow night as well!!! 2 great miracles! Next week is looking pretty booked which is always exciting for a missionary :) Oh and also the RB coach from Stanford is coming by next Thursday or Friday so I'll send you some pictures then, too:)
Anyways there is the rundown of my week! Love you mom, please give grandpa and grandma my love and I am constantly praying for them. God bless you and the fam :)
Ofa Lahi Atu!!!!!!
Elder Heimuli
PS. This just in (Thursday, 1/18/2017) Sooooo sorry! Things have been pretty hectic :) haha but here are the pictures :) It's just of us going PCing and working haha. Also I got a cool dream catcher from a member last week.
Anyways we are here at the office late because some papers got mixed up for interviews, so we are fixing everything up so I thought I'd shoot you a quick email while I could. Love you mom!
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