Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Indianapolis Indiana Temple
Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 38 - Flint McCloud

Hi Mom!!

I’m so happy to hear about the tender mercies God has shown towards our families. I’ve also realized that God is always blessing us. Are we just receptive enough to see them? Throughout this experience I can see how He has not only blessed Aunty with health but also many family relationships were strengthened. It’s a big reason why we’re here, to be taking care of one another, willingly sacrificing our own time to help others. But another blessing is that we also appreciate this fragile gift of life. It’s easy to lose and we are only here for but a small moment, that’s why I am so grateful for God’s tender mercies and the blessings of Family. I pray our family continues to stay close and rely on God and His power.

Wow, you are just always busy huh mom? But never too busy to go on a date with dad even if it’s to the grocery store haha. How was that movie? Was it good? I often wondered what it would feel like to be the one who had to carry out the order or even just be a part of the crucifixion of Christ. What would I be thinking? Would my beliefs be changed or would I have been so hard-hearted? I hope I would’ve been like the centurion who wept. I hope I would have changed if I was there. 

Yeah Mishawaka Ward is in our zone so if I am ever in that area I will say hi to that Tahitian family if I can :) There are actually a few Poly families up here in South Bend! The Vakalahi's and the Moala's. Guess what? We went to pick up the South Bend elders and the Moala's invited us over to grab some food. They made Lu, Taro and lots of good food. I was so happy!!!

So Uncle Ricky is getting married! Yay tell him congrats from me! I guess I need to study up on the Widow of Nain cuz I don’t remember her. Either way I know Hevynn will do great cuz she always does haha! Hema and Norma are going to Brian Reagan!? Dang I’m jealous! I love Brian Reagan haha. I hope they have fun. How’s Helam doing? How are all of the little families doing? I pray they all raise them like you and dad raised us :) rooted in the gospel, and super good looking (jk that’s just Harrison and Hevynn. Rest of us are out of luck.)

Well, Niles Michigan is interesting. It’s a small town. But because we have a full time truck we have to cover 4 or 5 other towns as well. So our area spans for like 80 mi. It’s a huge area!! But it’s awesome. 

Elder Flint McCloud is my companion. Cool name huh? He is from Kaysville and he has been out for about 18 months. He is great, I love the guy. He knows the area well and we work hard.

The past week we have been getting in each night and right after we are done planning we just pass out haha! But this week we put a man on date for March 26th!! We also have 2 other potentials for baptismal dates that we pray will be receptive and willing to take this step. Please continue to pray for those we are working with. I know you are all praying for us and I want you to know that I can personally feel the blessings coming from all my family’s prayers!

As for the "ward" it’s only 50 members..... the other 100 are all less active, so we have our work cut out for us, haha! But I know God will help us as he does for all of his servants.

Sorry this letter is short. We are super busy and seems we are always running to and from everywhere and everything haha! We have to head out and take some supplies to the elders!! Love you mom and tell the family hi from me!

Ofa Lahi Atu

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