Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Indianapolis Indiana Temple
Indianapolis Indiana Temple

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 43 - Before You Hated Their Guts

Elder McCloud is good!! In fact things here are great!!!!
What a clown
Things at home seem like they are doing a lot better! I hope Helam didn’t get injured at this year’s game haha! He probably didn’t because he was probably beating everyone else down. I hope Aunty Lani is doing well. I got to hear from her :) she is strong, stronger than me. And why would you say your challenge is to follow the promptings of the spirit?

This week was great! We went on exchanges with Plymouth and did service with them this week. I got to go with an Elder Morgan who actually came out with me on the same day.

With Elder Morgan

Doing service I got to be with Elder (Jared) Clark who played DE for Woods Cross. Heyyy, no one’s perfect :) It’s funny what good friends you become when you’re on a mission, when before you hated their guts because they went to a rival school.

With Elder Clark from Woods Cross High School
So him, Quick and I love to reminisce haha!!! However the service was great. We cut wood for a Brother Richarts who coached for BYU in 1980. He knows Vai and said to say hi from him. What a small world.

Then this weekend we had the opportunity to go to stake conference. Elder Randall K. Bennett and Elder Michael V. Beheshti spoke at the conference. It was amazing. During Saturday stake conference Elder Bennett loved having the audience involved. So there were only three 5-minute talks (awesome!) and the rest of the time he turned to the audience.

Here's what he did after each person spoke. He'd say "Ok, you know what you’re doing wrong. Now, how are you going to change?" I thought about that the whole time. How am I going to change? We all recognize our faults and recognize what we do wrong, but what are we doing to fix those issues? We get into a habit of thinking that since we recognize what we are doing wrong we can just wait for someone or something else to change us. No. We have to do it! In the Gospel of Jesus Christ true repentance is when, after recognize what we’re doing wrong, we IMMEDIATELY stop it! Then we do all we can to make up for it. So if we are not doing something right, STOP IT and move on. 

Needless to say I was inspired and I thought, "Yeah, I need to go tracting for 4 hrs now!!!! LETS GO!!!" Wouldn’t you know it, tracting that day did not go that well. In fact we pretty much got shut down at every door and I thought, "Well.....crap..." haha!!

However we saw a pretty cool miracle. We knocked on a door and a guy came out and said, "Oh you guys again. My mom’s a Mormon and she thinks she should send missionaries here to convert me. I’m not going to be converted, forget about it."

We paused and looked at him and said, "We just want to share a Christ-centered message with you if that’s ok." He looked at us and told us to go out the side door.

We talked for a bit and of course he was not interested, but then his sister-in-law came outside and said, "Oh thank goodness!!! I’ve been praying for you guys for weeks!!!"

Turns out this lady moved from Florida just a couple months ago and was homesick. She was converted there and knew that the missionaries could help her feel better and find the nearest church. So this week we will be visiting her and taking her to church. It’s just funny how miracles turn out, and it’s often not always the way you think. 

Anyways other than that this week has just been another great week of missionary work :) I love it out here!! I’m so blessed and so thankful for this gospel! I pray everything goes well at home and I love you all!!!

Proud uncle showing off his beautiful planner cover
Ofa Lahi Atu

Elder Heimuli

P.S.  Thank you for the packages :) I bought milk and we downed the cereal! haha Thank you!

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